Cumberland Island
St. Marys, Georgia

This site is a tribute to the memory of my Son,
R.J. Jacquot III
March 22nd, 1989 to July 17th, 2012
I Love you Son

One of our favorite places to visit was Cumberland Island in Georgia. I first visited this site in the mid 1990s with my wife Sandy and our children. After that, I made visits to the island every year with my son R.J.. We would camp, explore and hunt fossils in the dredge piles. Visiting the island led to some of the best times he and I ever shared. I try to get back to the island whenever possible. This island has so much history and it is one of the last places on the east coast of the United States that has not been destroyed by modern man.

We had always talked about building a boat, learning to dive and taking our boat to Cumberland Island. We bought the boat in 2000, but I didn't get it running and on the water until around 2010. I learned to fossil dive in 2006, but unfortunately, R.J. never got the chance to do the diving. We never got to take our boat to the island.

I don't need much in life, nor do I want much. What I do want, is to finish what me and my son started. I want to get my boat to Cumberland Island. I want to cruise around the island, sleeping on the boat at night, watching the sunset, eating good food and celebrating life. Take my word for it, life can be short, make the most of it. It doesn't cost much, but what you do with it can be priceless.

Many of our visits were documented on video and I will be adding links in the future to various video clips. The following pages are photo reports listed by month and year of visit.

May 24th - 27th, 1999

Pictures by: R.J. and Rick Jacquot

In 1999, we visited the island and camped out for four days at the Sea Camp camping area. We were there to hunt fossils at certain areas of the island. The camp area put us about 2 miles farther away from where we liked to hunt. Every morning, we would get up at 7:00 a.m. and begin our 3 mile hike to the fossil hunting area. It was 85 degrees at 7:00 and usually 95 - 100 by the time the sun was up good. R.J. was a trooper and had a good time regardless of the heat and humidity.

On the way, we saw a lot of wildlife, one of our favorites were the numerous armadillo's that are abundant on the island.

We both took a lot of pictures on the island. The above left is a shot R.J. took of the Dungeness ruins. Back at camp, R.J. cooked us some marshmallows.

R.J. in the tent playing with a tree frog. At right, on the way back to the mainland. I believe I got a little sun over our four days of camping in the 100 degree heat!

Some of our fossil finds from our searching through the dredge piles. We ate no cooked food the entire four days. We had canned oysters, tuna, crackers and warm water that tasted like sulphur. Once the trip was over and we were heading home, the first thing we did was stop at McDonalds. We bought $15.00 worth of burgers, fries, milkshakes and apple pies. It was like an emergency survival meal to bring us back to life!